I’ve resold over 1,000 articles of clothing in the last year and I DON’T have a storefront. That might sound like a lot now, but in the clothing reselling business that’s pretty average. Keep reading and you’ll find a link to my depop page so you can get ideas or just copy exactly what I did. If you’re just looking to make some quick part-time money and not trying start like a forever business, then this is definitely for you ! And if you are trying to start forever business, then these are the exact first steps you need to take go get started.
Also ! Check out Pine Vintage to find vintage clothing for a great price ! They have everything you might be looking for from Vintage clothing to accessories and more. They even have it sorted on their website by brand and by clothing type ! Click the link below to check out their website !
How to resell clothes
There are two ways you can sell clothes; online or in-person. To sell clothing in-person you’ll just need some supplies, work ethic, and social skills. Selling in-person typically happens at reselling events and vintage clothing markets. Instagram is a great way to find these local events in your area and contact the hosts. Keep reading and we go in depth on exactly how you can do this successfully. Selling online is much easier and all you need to start is your phone ! Your phone will be used to take pictures and to post them onto the selling platform that you feel best fits your application. Keep reading to learn which clothing platform is best for your needs ! Reselling clothes is a great way to make some extra cash or even a full income !
Let’s go over the pros and cons of Depop, Poshmark, and selling in person. And I’ll even give you some tips and tricks so you don’t make the same mistakes that I made when I started ! And throughout the article I’ll post some links to some supplies that you’re going to 100% NEED to make this all way easier… believe me. Throughout this post will be some affiliate links and if you purchase through them it helps us out at No extra cost to you ! Thank you for your support !

Selling Clothes On Depop
Depop is an app dedicated to selling clothes that are new or used. It was and still is my best friend for selling clothes ! I am not affiliated or sponsored by them in any way. I’m being 100% genuine when I say you need to have a depop account whether you’re a serious seller or just trying to sell some old stuff in your closet. Depop is super easy to learn and use. The main reason I recommend Depop over Poshmark is because Depop only keeps 10% of the sale and poshmark keeps 20%. That’s actually a huge difference and has big ripple effects in sales too. For example if you search the same item like “nike shoes” for example, you’ll find that prices are much higher on poshmark because the sellers have to account for that big 20% bite that poshmark takes out of their sale. And if you’re interested in Nike Shoes check out our article on the 3 Best Nike Running Shoes of 2023 ! Another reason I love depop is that items on there sell so much faster than they do on poshmark. And compared to selling in person, on depop you don’t have to sit at an event and watch out for thieves and work all weekend long to make sales. You literally just take picture, write a description, and post it ! It’s too easy to not try.
It should be noted that to sell on depop, it really helps to have good pictures ! You’ll find that people will always message you and ask you to try things on (so they can see how it fits you) so you might find it easier to just wear the clothes in the original pictures. At least that’s what I did, and my sales went up drastically ! Also shipping supplies is needed but don’t worry because it’s super cheap. The most expensive part is lighting for the pictures. But that’s only necessary if you’re really serious about selling on depop.
here is the link to my depop account so you can see how i did it
HERE are some amazon links to the exact things i use for selling on depop
- Shipping Bags
- Shipping Labels
- Phone tripod with remote for pictures
- Lights for pictures

Selling Clothes In Person
Selling in person can be super fun especially when you invite your friends and just hang out. How this is generally done, is you go to clothing reselling events such as “vintage clothing markets” and you set up a booth and clothing racks and you sit there all day and work it. You’ll definitely need a folding chair, so check out our article on The Top 5 Camping Chairs For Real Men. Like I said it’s super fun but there are some major downsides. The main one is that events often charge $100-$250 for a spot in their event. So you won’t be making a profit until you reach that amount. Also all these events are on weekends so if you plan on this being your primary way of selling, then say goodbye to your weekends. The positive side of this is that if you go to the right events you can make that initial set up fee fairly quickly. Selling in person definitely renders you the quickest sales. But it costs a lot more time and money to do. To set up a booth you’ll need clothing racks, price tags, a lot of inventory, a money box, possibly a canopy, and good social skills. And on top of that you need to write out all of the prices and then stick the price tags on the clothes and you need to organize them on the racks. It’s actually more work than you might think. And then on the day of the event you got to get up at 5am to go set up your area and you have to stay there all day long to work. I did this a few times and I definitely made a profit ! But I really just prefer being able to sell things online because it takes almost no time at all to post items and selling in person can absolutely feel like having a full-time job at times. But I know tons of people who do it full time and they really love the whole social aspect of it and everything. It really just depends on your personality type !
Heres a list of things you’ll need to start selling Clothes in person
- Clothing racks
- Price tag gun and tags
- Money Box
- Canopy Tent
- Folding table
- Outdoor folding rocker chair (just super comfortable for when you’re sitting and standing all day)

Reselling Clothes With Poshmark
Poshmark is another app that is dedicated to selling new and used clothing. It’s great because shipping supplies are free! With their shipping system you can get free shipping supplies from USPS for selling on poshmark. I’ve also noticed that Poshmark is really catered towards name brand clothes and clothing for adults. For some reason those kinds of things makeup the majority of Poshmark posts. I know I said earlier that I prefer depop, but there are Poshmarker’s who make TONS of money with it. If you figure out how to do it correctly, you can sell things really quickly which is a huge advantage to depop. Depop tends to take just a little bit longer to sell items for younger people. I found that I was using Poshmark for my name brand items and depop for my stylish no name items like vintage tees and such. I actually recommend doing the same thing if you’re able to keep track of your inventory while doing it. And people on poshmark for some reason never ask you to try things on. So pretty much all of the posts on there are just flat lays of clothes on the floor or maybe on a hanger. That’s another advantage because it makes the picture-taking process a breeze ! So for Poshmark you really don’t need anything to get started !